Can I administer the survey using paper and pencil?

A PDF version of the PSAM survey is available. However, administering the survey in paper and pen format means that someone from your team will have to manually enter the responses into an Excel format —a time consuming and logistically difficult process. If you complete the survey online you will receive an aggregated data report and can export your data into an Excel spreadsheet.

Who do I contact to get a survey link for our school and/or to get more information?

Contact or

Is the survey confidential?

Yes. The survey is completely confidential; no names of schools or people will be collected through this survey. No other school or third party will have access to your school's data. Surveys will be assigned a number; this allows FHI 360 to individualize each survey link and data report. All FHI 360 staff who handle data are certified by the federal government in the protection of human subjects and the maintenance of confidentiality protocols.

How long will the survey take?

The PSAM survey itself can be completed anonymously using a web browser and should take approximately 30 minutes. The work of analyzing the results, identifying areas of strength and areas of improvement, setting priorities, and developing action plans will take more time from a dedicated school-based team. See the PSAM Implementation Timelines for some guidance on how long it will take to complete the full PSAM process.

What kind of technical assistance is available for implementing PSAM?

There are several different levels of technical assistance (TA) available to schools and organizations that would like to implement PSAM. Contact Postsecondary Success Collaborative for more information about how FHI 360 can help directly or by advising on the kinds of local organizations to investigate as potential TA partners.

Our school is already doing so much, how can we ever fit this into our crammed schedule?

While it will take a minimal investment of time to actually complete the Asset Map (an average of 30 minutes of online time per person), analyzing and discussing the results, setting priorities, and developing an action plan will require sustained and focused meeting time. However, these meetings can be integrated into times that are already spent on school improvement, such as:

  • School Improvement and/or Leadership Team meetings
  • Data team meetings
  • A committee of any current school-based team
  • Break-out time during staff meetings
  • School-based team meetings
  • Professional development days

Our school’s budget has been cut so thin already. How much is this going to cost?

It is free to look at and use any parts of the online PSAM toolkit. Since PSAM is not a new program or service, it does not have a fixed cost. The costs largely come from the need to convene and facilitate staff and other partners intensively at first and then periodically. Eventually PSAM may not register as a specific cost on a school’s budget as it gets more and more integrated with school improvement planning each year.

Schools likely have many skilled facilitators and some data “mavens” on staff. But, ideally, a school will work with an external facilitator to plan and guide the PSAM process. Also, schools may need support with the formatting and sorting of the PSAM data into user-friendly graphs and charts that are accessible to all participants. Partners that the school already has may be willing to provide these kinds of supports and/or consultants. FHI 360 can talk with you about the options.

Does it matter in what order we analyze each of the PSAM asset areas?

It does not matter in what order your team analyzes each of the five asset areas. In fact, you should think about what order would be best, given your overall school improvement plans, professional development calendar, and other school- or district-based issues.